Our little Baylor Boo is six months old! Where is the time going? No, seriously stop time right now. He is on warp speed traveling too fast from newborn to toddler before my eyes. I know I have plenty of baby time left before he is really a toddler but if the next year goes by as quickly as the last 6 months, then it will be too fast for me.
From month five to six Baylor did a lot of changing and developing. He is now sitting up really well. He starting sitting assisted shortly after he hit 5 months and at this point he is sitting really well. During tummy time he is starting to try to push up to his knees. We will see where that goes. He loves to chew on books and teething rings and still loves it most when his big brother pays attention to him. He looks for Grayson as soon as he wakes and give Grayson bigger grins and deeper giggles that anyone else gets. Baylor loves his bath and likes to splash around and sink down in the water like Grayson did when he was little. He is getting a little big for his baby tub, but we will wait to move him to the big tub until he is sitting a little better. Around 5 months Baylor moved from his infant carrier to a regular rear facing car seat. I forgot to post it at his 5-month update so I will include it here. We basically did that because we had to get a new car seat after our fender-bender and the rear facing made better financial sense than the carrier.
At Baylor's 6-month appointment he was 16 pounds, 6.1 ounces which puts him in the 30th percentile for weight. The doctor voiced a bit of concern about the lack of substantial weight gain since he was last weighed in her office. We will go back in 4 weeks for a weight check. She is the same pediatrician that followed Grayson's minimal weight gain during the first 18 months so I think she half-expected Baylor to begin trimming down at some point. He measured 27 inches in length which puts him in the 75th percentile for length. He is tall and skinny. Although I don't really think he looks skinny. He has some cutie patootie rolls on this thighs that are ADORABLE!
His gums were swollen at the appointment and she confirmed that he is teething although it seems like he has been teething for well over a month and we haven't seen a tooth yet. He hates orajel so we have been doing Tylenol when he gets particularly drooly, fussy, and begins tugging at his ear. We have had a few nights where he wakes up screaming and can't fall back asleep. It is a different cry than when he wakes and just needs to self soothe. He screams. We will try to 30 minutes or so to hold and soothe him, but if we are unable to calm him down it becomes pretty clear that he is hurting so we give Tylenol. Typically about 30 minutes after the dose he calms and falls asleep. Not the case on Christmas Eve. Baylor work shortly after Santa visited and stayed awake the rest of the night in what appeared to be teething pain. Well, I guess he did sleep in my arms for about an hour, but that meant I was sitting up and not sleeping. That made for a very foggy Christmas day.
Baylor received 5 vaccines at his appointment. Four shots and an oral vaccine. He wasn't too bothered by the pain, but did have a pretty rough reaction in the days following. He was generally fussy and ran a fever for about 36 hours. Good times!
When not hurting, he is sleeping well and is generally a very happy guy. We have started to see a little more development of his personality and I believe he may be a little more strong-willed than his brother. He loves to chew on any and everything and occasionally gets his hands on something that isn't made for his baby mouth (paper, the remote, Grayson's cars) and it has to be taken from him. He gets very upset. The bottom lip sticks out and he just cries and cries. It is almost funny to see that he already responds when he doesn't get his way. He has to learn that he can't have everything that he thinks his heart desires. Bless that sweet little heart!
Disney Halloween
4 months ago