Baylor was 4 months old on the 29th of October. I waited to write this post until after we had his check-up. That was today. Our big guy is 15 pounds, 6 ounces. Baylor is at the 60th percentile for weight, 50th for head circumference, and 90th for length. Can we say "TALL". When we stand him up he comes right to Grayson's shoulders. Baylor is wearing 6-9 month clothing and continues to amaze me by how quickly he is growing.
Baylor continues to be such an awesome addition to our family. We are definately into a groove now having two kiddos, but I still stand in awe of those with 3 or more. Baylor is a real joy to have around. He has to be the most laid back baby ever. Grayson was laid back as well, but Baylor is just so very happy-go-lucky. We have done a lot of traveling since his birth, in fact we have been out of town every weekend since sometime in August, and Baylor has just been the best little traveler. He seems to enjoy every minute of the day as long as he is where the action is. The only time he wants to be away from the action is when he is ready to sleep. When he gets sleepy he prefers to be in his crib in a quiet room all by himself. He is already become attached to his little bear blankie and likes to sleep with it covering some part of his head and face. If he wakes without his bear he will cry until he finds him. He also likes to have his pacifier while he sleeps.
Baylor is sleeping well. Around 3 months he started waking up again during the night to eat after several weeks of sleeping through. We made a decision after about 2 1/2 weeks of waiting it out to see if it was a growth spurt, to give Baylor oatmeal at dinner. After waiting it out Baylor had gone from waking up once to eat, to waking two or three times during the night. The addition of oatmeal has given him the extra nourishment he was needing, but not in time for him not to get used to and spoiled by waking up and being nursed during the night. Baylor is not as happy and content during the day when he spends his nights waking up and I am not a happy mom when I don't get sleep. I discussed this with his doctor yesterday and I was happy that she supported me in the notion that we are doing the right thing by keeping him on a schedule and that at 4 months and 15 pounds, it is reasonable to expect him to sleep 8-12 hours without eating. I knew all of that, but it is nice when the doc backs you up. I have no issue with mom's who are happy to wake up all night to nurse for the comfort of their child, it just doesn't work for our family. I choose to provide comfort in other ways and encourage my children to sleep when it is time to sleep. We have been given the go ahead to let him cry it out (if necessary) and will move forward with that plan. Last night Baylor woke up twice. Once after crying for 5 minutes (we always check to at least make sure he is okay)I had to pick him up to calm him down and then we went right back to sleep. The second time he only cried for about two minutes and then went back to sleep on his own. What a big boy! Again, I have no issue with moms who nurse for comfort. I think it is great if that works for your family and if you feel that is what your children need. Every mom is entitled to decide what is right for her babies, so don't leave me any nasty comments about my parenting.
At 3 months Baylor was old enough to join Grayson at Hudson Memorial Preschool. No, Baylor is not in preschool. He is a member of the sibling crib room. He goes on the same days as Grayson. He seems to enjoy it and for obvious reasons the teachers just love him.
Baylor enjoys playing with toys and it thrills him when he realizes he has picked something up on his own. He has not rolled over yet, but rolls all the way to his side during tummy time or time on his back. The doc says he definitely could roll over if he wanted to. He loves to play in his new exersaucer and although he isn't always able to turn the seat when he wants, he has an older brother who is happy to turn him to a new toy anytime he voices unhappiness about his current location.
Baylor just loves his big brother and I am pretty sure the feeling is mutual. No one can make Baylor smile like Grayson. He looks for Grayson we he isn't in the room and his eyes light up every time Grayson approaches him to play. It is the sweetest thing to watch the relationship between the two of them grow. I know, because of my own relationship with my sister, that no one will ever be as good of a friend as your siblings and no one understands you the way they do. It is a joy to watch them together knowing that one day they will both be the best friend that the other has ever had.
Life continues to be amazing with this little guy around. He has started producing those deep belly laughs throughout the day. There is just nothing sweeter than the sound of a baby laughing hysterically. I have added some more recent pics to the blog header so you can see what the boys are looking like these days. One day I will get around to adding pics to my posts. Right now I am too impatient for the uploading.
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
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