our new little one will be here! Isn't that crazy?!?!? I am so excited. We have been so busy preparing lately that tomorrow has totally crept up on me. I just can't believe it. Speaking of being so busy. . .so many of you have sent sweet emails and messages. If I have not responded, please forgive me. We have been swamped. Your kind words and thoughts mean the world to me and it warms my heart to know that so many are eagerly anticipating the arrival of our little one and praying for his health and safe delivery.
As I try to wind down tonight and get ready for bed, I can't help but think about the night before Grayson was born. Grayson was scheduled for induction on April 22nd. I had mixed feelings about being induced because I wanted his birthday to be the day he was really ready to arrive. I prayed and prayed he would come on his own. I was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 7 am. Justin and I both went to bed and barely slept at all. We were so excited for the coming day.
-TMI ALERT (Childbirth stuff in the coming paragraphs)-
At 3 am I got up to go to the bathroom, a very common occurance for a 9 month pregnant woman. I went to the restroom and as I was about to get up a huge gush of fluid came out and it wasn't urine. My water broke. Justin jumped up immediately and the rush began. I called the doctor and he said to get right to the hospital. I wasn't hurting and was pretty sure that I wasn't contracting regularly so I took my time getting ready. I took a shower, Justin did some laundry, and then we hit the road.
On the way to the hospital I began contracting some but not bad. We arrived around 5am. After checking in and being hooked to monitors it was confirmed that even though my water did break I was not really progressing. I was contracting, but the contractions were mild and irregular. The doctor recommended pitocin and I went with it. Pitocin was started at 6 am. I now think that stuff comes straight from the veins of the devil. Needing it to deliver Avery confirmed that my memory served me correctly and it is really THAT awful.
My plan was to do without pain meds. I made it to 9 am and 6cm without drugs, but that Pitocin was no joke. The nurse kept telling me that it causes hard contractions and if I wanted to progress to 10cm, then they were going to need to increase the Pitocin. All I could think was, "INCREASE?!?!?!? This stuff is miserable already!" She also kept telling me that no one has Pitocin and not an epideural. Thanks for pysching me out.
At 10 am I got my epideural and went to sleep. It was a nice relief for me and for Justin who had been amazingly supportive of my plan to go without paid meds, but was thrilled when I accepted them. At 11:30 I awoke to some pressure and the nurse came in to check me. I was fully dialated and we started pushing. After about an hour of pushing the nurse noted that Grayson's heartrate was dropping with each push. She decided he needed a break. I still find it interesting that at lunch time, "the baby" needed a break. Anyway, she instructed me to rest for an hour and call her if I felt an increase in pressure. Around 1:30 the nurse returned and we started pushing again.
Around 2:10 she announced that we were almost there and called the doctor. After a couple more pushes Grayson Charles was born at 2:19 pm weighing 6lbs, 8 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. He was perfect. He had beautiful skin and was just perfect. He nursed right away and even at birth displayed the gentle and easy going demeanor he is adored for today. The last two years with him have been amazing and I am excited to see what a wonderful big brother he is going to be.
Tomorrow's birth experience is going to be completely differnt than my journey with both Grayson and the twins. Tomorrow is a scheduled C-Section. This is honestly a place I never thought I would end up. I really wanted to try for a natural plan again knowing I could refuse pitocin (something I was not aware of with Grayson). God had a different plan. I did do some research about why babies stay breech and I have found some peace in my research. Apparently some babies stay breech because of the position of the cord and the fact that it would be dangerous for them to flip. I feel better knowing that it may be necessary for his health for my little guy to be the wrong way. Yes, I am still crazy nervous about the c-section. I have never had any major surgery and my last expereince in a Labor and Delivery OR was not a positive one.
Thanks in advance for all the prayers tomorrow. We will post an announcement on FB as soon as baby arrives and I will update the blog as soon as I am able. For those planning to visit, we are asking for no visitors until after 5pm. Grayson takes an afternoon nap and we want him to be the first to meet his brother. Thanks in advance for respecting our wishes for that experience to be special for us with our boys. We will likely be at Western Wake Med until Friday. We are happy to have visitors at the hospital anytime Wedensday, Thursday, or Friday evening (in our home). If you plan to stop by our home, please call first. Now I am off to have a snack (since I can't eat for the next 12 hours) and then to try to get some sleep.
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
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