Oh the absolute funniest thing happened last night. I laughed so hard I cried! It was just too funny not to share. We had my dad and Sue here for dinner. Actually they brought Grayson home after he spent the weekend at their house. I wanted to have dinner for them because in addition to picking up Grayson here on Friday and bringing him all the way back Sunday, my dad came up Friday and kept the Grayson, Rin, and Abe. He pulled major Grandpa duty on Friday and then he and Sue had Grayson and Peyton on Saturday. Now, I know they love every minute of it, but it was still a huge help for us.
Since Justin was cooking the dinner with me on bed rest we had steaks (my husband grills the BEST rib eye), salad, baked potatoes, and baked beans. Grayson loves baked beans. Every time we have them he eats three or four servings. He loves them!
About half way through dinner Grayson begins to whine. Whenever Grayson wants something or needs to tell us something and he doesn't know the words he will point and say "this". Grayson is whining, pointing to his nose, and saying "this" and then starts digging his finger way up in his nose. We are trying desperately to curb nose picking by teaching Grayson to ask for a tissue. Justin asks, "do you need a tissue?" and Grayson says, "yes". Easy enough! Justin gets a tissue and helps Grayson wipe his nose. Grayson doesn't seem satisfied so Justin looks in his nose. Justin explains that he doesn't see any boogies and that Grayson's nose is all clean. Tissue goes into the garbage and Grayson continues to whine. Let me just say that nothing drives me more crazy than the whiny "this". It is so hard to figure out what he needs and the longer this goes on the more whiny his voice gets.
Grayson is still messing with his nose, but now he is pointing to the counter where the food is setting. Then begins the guessing game. Justin says, "Do you want bread, potato, butter, sour cream?" To all of which Grayson replies, "Noooooo, dissss!" I say, "I think he is pointing to the beans. Grayson, do you want more beans?" "Noooooo, DISSSSSS". He is getting really frustrated at this point and is back to pointing to his nose.
At this point he whines are beginning to turn to cries and he has his finger back in his nose. I ask, "Is your nose running?" He says, "No." I ask, "Does your nose itch?" He says, "No". I ask, "Does your nose have a tickle?" Grayson thinks about it for a minute (picture the best contemplating face a two-year old can make) and then he says, "yeaaaah". He seemed kind of unsure, but satisfied that "tickle" was the best word to fit his current issue. I explain that if his nose is feeling tickled, then there is probably a boogie in it and he needs to use a tissue to blow his nose and get the tickle out. He agrees and Sue gets a tissue for him. I explain that he should blow really hard to get his tickle out. Grayson gives one hard blow and I encourage him to blow again. On the second blow you can hear what sounds like a very, ummmmmmmm, productive blow (if you know what I mean). Sue pulls the tissue away and it is sets a big baked bean. My child shoved a baked bean up his nose. Not just in there, but WAY up in his nose. I mean, you should have seen how far he kept sticking his finger in there and you know the bean was beyond his finger.
I thought I was going to fall out of my chair. I laughed so hard I literally cried. After dinner I decided that this was by far the funniest thing that Grayson has done yet. We did the responsible parenting thing and explained that you can't put things up in your nose. Grayson seemed to get the idea. Who knew baked beans tickled?
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
That is hilarious!!! Glad he got it out of there... Hope yall are hanging in there. Not much longer to go... :)
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