I am exhausted. I am always exhausted by Friday. It is just the season we are in. I don't say it in a complaining way. It just is the way that it is. Our week is full of work, church, schooling, errands, fellowship, and fun. We go a lot. Probably more than we should (that is for another post another time). By Friday evening I am ready to crash. I always plan an easy dinner for Friday or we do pizza. I am often in bed by 10, which is a far cry from my Friday night bedtime 6 or 7 years ago.
This Friday is different. Oh yes, I am still tired. It is, after all, Friday. We have had our typical week. However, this will not be a typical weekend. With our anniversary approaching next week, Justin's office Christmas party Saturday, and the ladies Christmas Tea at our church tonight we are having a grown up weekend. Yes, just me and my hubby home all weekend alone. My parents and my sister are absolute rock stars and are taking our boys until Sunday. The boys will be divided amongst them. When they are split up they get a little more quality time with the person they are visiting. It just works better. Also, three boys (five and under) can be overwhelming for someone who is used to a much quieter house. Dividing gives us a greater chance that we will get kid free weekends again in the future.
Don't misread this. I love having my kids home on the weekends. We rarely spend a weekend without them. I am all for good old-fashioned family weekends. I also know that connecting and spending time together, just me and my man, is very important for my marriage. My husband comes first and when we go weeks on end without alone time (besides after the kid's bedtime) we struggle. Communication gets hard and quality time dwindles. It is easy to exist together, just getting it done, and lose site of one another in the business of every day life. So, we must have these weekends to recharge spend a little time dating. No, we do not only have quality time and good conversation on our date weekends. Our marriage would be a disaster if that were the case. These weekends are just different. They are extra special.
Tonight I have the Ladies Christmas Tea at my church with some of my favorite women while Justin delivers the boys to their loving weekend caregivers. I will get to sit and have real conversation and sip tea. I will get to worship and relax. I will get to have my heart ministered to by another sister in Christ. It will be wonderful. Then tomorrow I get to sleep in! Tomorrow night my hubs and I get to get all dressed up and go out to his office Christmas party. He works with some pretty fun and awesome people. It will be a good time and he and I will get to just hang out and socialize together without any distractions. Sunday we have church and then we will go pick up our little people.
It doesn't sound like much. We aren't going on some fancy weekend getaway, but it will be amazing. The kids will have a blast and then next week, we will be much better to each other and the kids having had a weekend to recharge together.
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
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