Grayson enjoyed the snow. He went out Friday night before bath. We only had about a half of an inch at that point, but it was pure powder. We let him play on the deck and he loved making snow balls and throwing them. We went out again Saturday just before lunch. At that point it was sleeting. We played for a while, but the snow wouldn't pack at all because there was so much ice mixed in. That meant no snow balls or snow men. Grayson was pretty confused about why he couldn't make snow balls. We attempted to make a sled since we didn't have one, but Grayson was a little afraid to sled down the drive way. I guess we will save that for next year. He enjoyed stomping around in the snow and trying to pick it up. Here are some pics of our house and Grayson playing.
As you can see Grayson didn't do much in the snow other than walk around and lay down to roll around. He thought the rolling was particularly fun.
To update my previous post, Grayson is still sleeping in his big boy bed. He seems to be loving it. In fact, on Saturday and Sunday he took a 3 hour nap. He hasn't taken a nap that long in ages. That bed must be really cozy. The cutest thing is
when he wakes up in the morning. He doesn't get out of the bed when he wakes. He just sits up and calls for me. He sits there and waits for me to come. It is so cute.
Last, but not least, the baby Firecracker update. We are at 18 weeks. Today was the day in my pregnancy with the twins that my water broke. I was a little stressed today thinking of that, but things seem to be going well. My next appointment is on Wednesday. Stay tuned to hear about all the fun that will be coming following that appointment. Things are going to get interesting around here, but I am going to make you wait until Wednesday to find out how. Oh and pray that my cervix has lengthened since my last appointment. At my first measurement 4 weeks ago is was at 5.2 or 5 point something. At my last appointment, 2 weeks ago, it was 3.5 (indicating a shortening). It is normal for it to fluctuate, but it is a bad sign if it continues to shorten. If at my next appointment it shortens again I may be put on bed rest. I will do anything to get this baby here and to be able to bring him home healthy, but I would prefer that path to not include bed rest. So, if you will, pray that on Wednesday we are back at around 5 . something.
Grayson is so stinkin' cute! A 3 hour nap, huh? Wow. I'm only slightly jealous.
I will be praying for a long cervix. Can't say I've ever prayed that prayer before, but I'll do it!
Finally, in my humble opinion, don't ever tell Grayson that he can get out of bed by himself.
Elizabeth always thought we had to come GET HER out of the bed. Once she had siblings, she realized otherwise. Which now means she and Ashlee are out of be ALL THE STINKIN' time.
All I'm sayin' is SOAK IT UP while you can.
Soak it up.
The snow pictures are too cute.
I will be praying for you on Wednesday, and waiting in heightened anticipation for the next post. I wonder which Patron Saint I petition for a long cervix.....I'll let you know. :)
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