So yeah we are still here and still locked up in the house for the most part. I am sick, Grayson is still sick, and although his is going to work every day, Justin isn't feeling well either. We are a mess!
Grayson seemed to be doing better on Monday and then Monday night his fever jumped back up to 102-103. He woke up this morning (Tuesday) with no fever and acting like he felt well. I figured I would try taking him to preschool. I was too sick to go into work but figured having him at preschool for half the day would at least allow me to get some work done from home.
On the way to preschool I decided I better check with the doctor to let her know his fever was still going up at night. She called me back as we were pulling into the preschool parking lot saying she needed to see him. No preschool today. Off to the doctor we go. She recommends a chest x-ray. Off to Wake Radiology we go. The Radiologist finds something. Back to the pediatrician we go. End result, Grayson has pneumonia. Not a severe case, just a little infection in the left side of his lungs.
The doctor also determined he had a little bit of an ear infection and sent us home with a prescription for an antibiotic. Home we go after a stop off at the drug store.
My dad and Sue decided to come up today (thank the LORD!) so I could go out if I needed to and so they could spend some time at the house with Grayson. By the time we got home from all of the running around I felt like I had been hit by a train. I used the time they were here entertaining Grayson to get some much needed rest.
Once I got up I was craving steak. Interesting because I only eat red meat when I am pregnant. That is a whole other story. Anyway, Grayson seemed to be feeling well, wasn't running a fever, and we didn't have anything for dinner in the house. Since we had only left the house 3 times in seven days (all to go to the doctor) I was feeling a little cabin fever coming on. I talked my dad and Sue into going to Outback on their way out of town with us.
We get to Outback. Dad and Sue were in a bit of a rush because they wanted to make it back in time for to stop by the funeral home to pay their respects to a very nice man that passed away in their community. My order came out wrong. That always happens when you are in a hurry. Anyway, Grayson pretty much refused to eat. He started to get fussy and since Sue was finished eating he was allowed to get out of his highchair to go sit with her while I finished my delayed food and my dad paid the bill (Thanks again for dinner :-) ).
TMI ALERT--This next section is not for those with weak stomachs. . .
I finished my food and we are all putting on our coats. We were just on time for dad and Sue to get to the funeral home. Then Grayson starts to fuss and point at his mouth. A long string of drool comes out of his mouth. I am thinking, what is he doing he doesn't drool??? Out of nowhere he pukes. Not a little bit, a ton and it goes EVERYWHERE! We are all shuffling around trying to figure out what to do next and as he is trying to get out of the booth to me, he pukes again all over. I get him out of the booth he is still crying and as I am wiping his mouth he projectile vomits all over the floor and walkway. THAT REALLY GOES EVERYWHERE! It is all over the floor, all in the walkway, all around the tables near us, and I am even sure it probably splattered up on the legs of some of the people around us. You know how Outback has those hardwood floors that provide for the most splatter possible. Everyone around us is looking disgusted. I am just waiting for someone around us to start vomiting. All I could think about was in the movie Four Christmases when the baby pukes and Vince Vaughn says, "Oh I am going to do it too" as he is gagging. I am obviously worried about poor Grayson who is looking around like, "what the heck is this about", then poor Sue has puke all over her pants (remember they were on their way to the funeral home), then there is all the people around us, and to top it all off there is not a server in sight so I have to walk to the hostess stand and say in front of huge group of people that have just come in, "My son just puked all over that entire section of the restaurant and it is all in the walkway where people can't get by". I was awful!
I mean seriously?!?!?!? The poor kid has been sick for over a week. He has had a fever for 7 straight days. He was diagnosed with pneumonia today and NOW he is throwing up all over. Is this really happening?!?!?!? To top it all of both Justin and I are sick!!!
Someone tell me that we will all be well soon and that in a few months the memory of this dreadful, sickness filled, cabin fever inducing week will be but a distant memory. Not only that but that all of my work at the office, laundry, and house work will somehow get done so that we can get rid of all of these germs and I won't lose my mind. Yes, I am accepting volunteers.
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
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