We have so much going on. The last thing I need to do is be posting on the blog, but I can't let all 9 of my readers down. That would just be disgraceful.
We are so busy because our vacation to San Diego is VERY quickly approaching. Too quick. I have a ton to do between now and departure time. There is so much to be done. In addition, it is Grayson's first time on an airplane so I am trying to make sure we have EVERYTHING we need for the long flight.
For those who don't know. We are traveling to CA for my cousin, Angela's, wedding. I am super excited. Not only do we get to spend a week in San Diego, but we are traveling with some of my dad's side of the family, which will be a ton of fun. Also I get to spend time with my cousins whom I NEVER get to see. So excited, so stressed!!!
Other than that, there is a ton I could blog about but I just really don't have a lot of time. Our Easter was wonderful. I will try to get some pics downloaded and posted before we leave, but I am not making any promises.
Some have asked about my last post (the one just before this one) and the mom I know who is on bed rest due to premature rupture of membranes at 16 weeks. I will update since I am sure she appreciates all the extra prayers and would want all you prayer warriors to know how to pray for her and her family. She and her baby boy are hanging in there. She has been on bed rest for a little over a week. Every day is a milestone. She has been to the doctor and the baby has a strong heartbeat. She is exhibiting no signs of labor at this time, which is great. Keep the prayers coming. She has also started blogging so that others can follow her journey.
Fostering. . .we are STILL waiting to hear from Human Services about our next step. I am trying not to call again because I know that the woman in charge of our process is really busy and stretched thin. I also don't want her to think we aren't committed because I am not calling. She has already questioned our level of commitment with our own baby on the way. I don't know how to stress, WE ARE IN THIS ALL THE WAY. It isn't up to us how our family is built. That is all in God's plan. He knows the exact child or children who will come into our home and when, whether that be right after our baby arrives or a year after our baby arrives. That isn't for us to decide, so we will move forward (well if we can get HS on board with that plan). Yes, it can be very frustrating.
Also, I have some new readers and I want to make sure everyone knows that all of my old posts have not been moved to this site yet. Prior to December of 2009 I did our blogging at www.littlegraybear.aboutmybaby.com. My plan is to move all of those old posts over to this site, but that is going to take some time. If you are a new reader and curious about things like how we decided to foster, who Faith and Avery are, what Grayson was like as a baby, or anything else about us that might be buried in those old posts just head over to that other site because I just don't know how quick I will be about getting them moved. Remember, I am even too busy to be posting right now. This turned into an awfully long post for someone with so much to do!
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
haha tell me about it. I keep taking pictures and think "oh, that will be a CUTE/FUN post" HA! I am lucky to keep updating the important stuff in a SHORT version! haha
(not to mention I am 3 months behind on all my fostering paperwork so I REALLY should be doing that instead but I have to keep up with the outside world somehow right, I mean RIGHT?!? hehehe.
Look forward to visiting your other blog to get caught up to speed, You know, right after I finish my paperwork and all that entails :).
oh and just an FYI... just because she is "busy and stretched" call her anyway. She would rather a good call any day than most of what she typically has to deal with. If it is an eager awaiting foster family THAT IS A GOOD THING! Even if she doesn't have time to take the call or talk long she will know you are persistent. Better to be overly than not enough :). Just my opinion.
Thanks for the advice Bri. I think I will give her a call.
Just wanted to let you know, you have another reader. I really enjoy reading your posts, and am working on getting caught up on all the past ones.
Oh, this is Carlie by the way... sorry
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