As I stated in the earlier post about Grayson's birthday, things have continued to be crazy around our house. After the birthday week Grayson had about a day of stomach yuck, by Sunday I was back at the ER getting fluids after another night of battling a stomach virus. I managed to get to work for part of the day Monday because there were things that just had to be done. On Tuesday Grayson was home not feeling well with a bad chest cold and Justin was home early from work with the stomach junk. For some of you the next part may be a little TMI, but I am not shy and it is important to the story. If you don't want to get into our business that much, feel free to skip to the next paragraph. Since I had arrived home from the hospital on Sunday I had felt like I was leaking some fluid (like my water breaking, but very slowly). I assumed I was having bladder issues carrying two babies. By Tuesday it seemed to be getting a little heavier so I called the doctor. They seemed to think it was normal and told me to go to the birthing center if I started cramping or the fluid turned red or became streaked with color instead of clear. I told them I had not had any of those symptoms and they agreed to see me first thing the next morning to check me out and ease my mind seeming sure that nothing was wrong.
I arrived at the OB-GYN on Wednesday morning, Grayson in tow, and with Justin at home REALLY sick on the sofa. When the doctor came in he assured me that is was very rare to lose amniotic fluid this early and although he would check, he was certain that what I was experiencing was just normal. WRONG! Apparently I am part of the less than 3% and Dr. Brannon, my OB-GYN, diagnosed me with PPROM(preterm premature rupture of membranes) and sent me straight to Duke Perinatal. The doctor there, Dr.Kuller, confirmed his findings. There was almost no amniotic fluid left around little Baby A. Both baby's heartbeats were strong and in the ultrasound they were moving all around. How could there be anything wrong? I lay there staring at the screen clearly seeing what the doctors meant. Baby A didn't have the same little sac type image around her that Baby B had. Then the doctor begins his heartbreaking explanation of what all of this means.
The prognosis isn't good. He shared that most women go into labor pretty quickly and obviously at 19 weeks, our babies will not survive. I thought, what is this man saying??? How could it be that I can see these babies, hearts beating so fast, moving all around on screen but I may never get to feel them moving in my arms?!?!? This is not right! Look at me, I am already showing, I can feel these babies moving in my womb, and I am way past the 1st trimester. I thought past 12 weeks you are in the clear. There has to be a way to fix this!
The doctor began to question when the fluid began to leak. I said Sunday and he seemed surprised that I had not already gone into labor. First ray of sun! Turns out that labor typically begins within the first week following the break. As of Wednesday, I had ZERO signs of labor and my cervix was still tight and long (a good thing for those of you who haven't had a baby recently)He informed me that I would be started on a round of antibiotics to prevent or get rid of any infection. The doctors have no idea what causes PPROM, but one theory is that infection weakens the membrane causing it to break. He also talked with me about my chances. He said that if I could make it to 24 weeks, which is unlikely per the doctor, I will be admitted to Duke. Babies can't survive outside of the womb before 24 weeks. From 24 weeks on they are "viable" with the possibility to complications lessening with each passing week.
My first question was, "What can we do to get to 24 weeks?". He said well if you an do as little as possible. My response was, "I can do nothing if that is what is needed.", and he put me on strict bed rest. According to Dr. Kuller, in rare cases (but it HAS happened) the break will repair, the fluids will build back up enough to allow for continued organ development, and although there will likely be other complications the baby stays long enough to survive after delivery.
At this point we have been praying for a miracle. I am determined that my babies will be part of that less than 20% who make it. They will make it to 24 weeks (with no more loss and considerable gain in fluid). I am certain in 5 weeks I will be making at home at Duke and they will be starting me on steroids to promote the babies lung development.
Prayers beyond 24 weeks will that the babies will hang in there and labor will not begin until the babies are as healthy as possible.
Obviously I am preparing myself that we may be a part of the majority, but I have to believe that prayer is powerful and God is still in the miracle working business. Our prayer needs are that the babies will remain strong, labor will NOT begin until at least 30 weeks preferably 33-36 weeks, the doctors will take all things into consideration treating this like a success waiting to happen instead of a lost cause and make the right decisions, and that our family will find peace in whatever God's plan is for this entire situation. I know it is a pretty tall order, but we serve a VERY BIG GOD.
God has already sent us two answered prayers. I was desperate to know that someone has walked where we are walking and came out with two healthy babies. Since asking God for the reassurance I have been contacted by two people (one I knew, one I didn't) who were also part of this less than 3%. They were both diagnosed with PPROM of Baby A at 18-19 weeks, both put on immediate bed rest, and both now have two healthy babies. One has boys and one has girls. PRAISE GOD!!!!
Thanks, in advance, for all of your prayers. If you feel led please share this prayer request with everyone you know. Our little girls are in desperate need of a miracle.
I know that this website is titled Little Gray Bear, but it is all in all about our family. I will continue to post about Grayson and all of his amazing talents, but I will also use this post to keep you all updated about the newest additions to our family, our baby girls!
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
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