At exactly 1:19 pm today Grayson was sitting on the back of our van with the lift gate up. His long skinny legs were dangling and swinging as I tried to get on shin guards, soccer socks, and shoes. It wasn't easy to get everything on as he wiggled with excitement and chatted with his best buddy Dawson in the back seat. I got all teary as I realized the time and remembered that at that very moment a seemingly brief five years before he was being placed in my arms for the very first time.
How did we get here? How is that tiny 6lb, 8 ounce bundle already five years old? The time has passed so quickly and although there are moments where I miss his newborn grunts, his one year old giggles, his two-year old cuggies, his three-year old questions, and his four-year old sweetness, I am so in love with the five-year old that he is.
At five (actually all his life)Grayson has a heart like no child I have ever met. He is so tender and caring. He loves with every ounce of his tiny being, gives freely without hesitation, and has an innocent sweetness that I can only pray survives as he gets to know this broken world we live in. Grayson is bright and inquisitive. He wants to know how things works and why they are. One of his favorite things to do is to watch videos with his dad of things like cars being made and ships being built. His favorite color is still black, but he no longer wants to be a doctor. He has traded that dream for the dream of being a jet pilot. I can only imagine how many times that will change before he is all grown up. He plays rough but with caution. He is a rule follower and occasionally more of a follower than this momma's heart wants to see. He is polite and wants everyone to be pleased with him, a true first born. He fights with his brothers but loves them fiercely. He also loves his sisters and makes sure everyone knows that he has two sisters in Heaven. I love the way he shares that with people without any worry that it might make them uncomfortable. He loves to help around the house and is thrilled to do chores. I can only pray that lasts into his teens. He is really into Batman and he loves to watch Loony Toons. He still sleeps with his Blue Bear but no longer asks to take it school. He is great at soccer and has an incredible arm. He loves to go for runs and has recently taken to roller skating. His favorite foods are corn dogs, breakfast for dinner, and quesadillas. He still gets too excited to sleep and I almost always have to wait until right when something is about to happen to tell him about it. I love so much about this boy.
So here we are five years into life with this amazing little guy. I pray every day that God helps me to be the mother he needs and prepares my heart for the rest of the journey. He sure is a blessing.