As Justin and I were getting Grayson ready for bed tonight I happened to notice how red his little knees are these days. Although he began scooting on the floor in early December, he has only been really crawling for two weeks and one day. He loves the new freedom to go where his little hands and knees will take him. His journeys have resulted in some pretty red little knees and serve as a reminder that he is doing so many new things these days.
I know that I often update on major things, but there are so many little things to share that are just as important. I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about all the cute little tricks Grayson has learned. Some of our favorites are his kisses for which his makes a lip smacking noise, the way he waves hi and bye always for mommy and daddy but likes to wait until anyone else is gone and then grants them a delayed wave, and the way he stands up in his crib after nap just waiting for someone to come get him.
Grayson is really enjoying meal time. Daddy and I are not enjoying the new way he likes to put his hands in his mouth after you give him a bite and smear what he has all over his face. He has gotten really good at signing "more", but we are still working on "eat", "milk", and "all done". Grayson also enjoys feeding himself much more than he likes to be fed. Right now that makes for a big mess, but I am sure we will appreciate it one day.
Grayson has also become very brave recently. He likes to pull up on everything, but he favorite spot to pull up and creep around is in the tub. As you all know, the tub is the most slippery place he can practice this new trick. Grayson doesn't seem to mind the danger and has even tried to let go and just stand without holding on. He is also trying to dive off of the changing table a few times and likes to roll over and get on his knees there. This makes for fun dressing and diapering times.
Grayson is making all kinds of sounds. At one point we really thought he was saying ball, but he hasn't done that trick again in a while. He does say "da da" a lot. Although I am not ready to give in and say that "da da" is his first word, he does seem to say it more when Justin is around. He will imitate me saying it to get daddy's attention and this morning he was clearly looking for Justin and was saying "da-da-da-da-da-da". We will give it a little more time before we declare it his first official word.
There are a few things that breaks Grayson's little heart. When he is sleepy or overdue for a nap, he does not like to be walked away from. This most often happens in the afternoon when he gets home from daycare. Since he is only there 3 days per week, he has never gotten used to napping there and doesn't nap well. He is really tired on the days he has been there. If you put him down at home and walk away he lets out the most pitiful, heartbroken cry I have ever heard. The same thing happens if he is really enjoying an item (napkins, paper, the remote) that he can't play with and you take it away from him. Poor Grayson!
Grayson got lots of toys for Christmas and has already learned just what to do to make all of them work. Even the little house thing he got. He can open the door, mailbox, and window. He knows how to make the radio, doorbell, and light work. We think he is very smart.
The reality is that all of these things simply mean that our little guy is growing more and learning new things every day. I am very excited about all of the amazing things he is doing, but it is a little bittersweet to look at him and be reminded that he was once just a tiny little bundle of baby.
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
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