Things have been insane lately. Remember this post about starting our New Year over on February 1? Yeah well things have been even crazier since that post. Baylor had RSV, we had two (yep, two) floods at our rental property, a fire in my office building, Justin is sick again, and that is just the major stuff. Additionally work has been really wild for more reasons than I care to blog about, basically increasing my work-load by double. I am now carrying a full caseload in addition to my management responsiblities.
It also seems every week has brought with it a MAJOR to-do. What are MAJOR to-dos you ask. Well, those are things like preschool registration for 2011-2012, Grayson transitioning to five-day preschool, booking and paying for a big vacation/friend's wedding in May, the purchase of a mini-van out of requirement because my old car was a lease that was ending, and having a suspicious mole removed (that turned out to be fine. PRAISE). Before I go any further. . . Yes, we know leasing is not a smart financial decision. That was not our decision. That lease was part of an employment package. It wasn't our lease.
Things have just been crazy. Some people have said things to me like, "oh this is normal when you have two small children" or "you better get used to it". No, I don't think this is "normal" just because we have two small children. Things like flood, fire, and big financial stresses are not "normal". I feel like we are in the midst of a hail storm on most days. I feel like I spend most days trying to keep from drowning in the insanity, nevermind the laundry which literally went a good two weeks with no attention. I am not even kidding. We got to a point that it had to be done because there was nothing clean to wear. Don't even get me started on the house cleaning and we are potty training again. Yep, Grayson completely regressed and REFUSED to go potty after being almost completely trained. We went back to diapers because I refused to get into a battle of wills with him. We are back at it now and he is in his underwear today following a long explanation that his baby diaper are all gone and he is not allowed to wear them. He can potty successfully. He has proved that.
So, I was getting all frustrated with life in general and really questioning why, when I was desiring so much to grow in a deeper relationship with God, did it seem like He was making it impossible. When things are as insane as they have been there is little time for quiet time with God. Then it hit me. Things have been crazy since around December. In December I had a real heart to heart with God about my desires to have a deeper relationship with Him and to really start spending more time in personal devotion and devotion as a family. Cue the insanity.
I was driving in the car Thursday just praying that God would speak to me and give me some peace about the storm I feel surrounds me. After I finished praying I turned on the radio and God spoke to me right through the song that came on. I wanted to share it with the few of you that have stuck around despite my absence.
I know the closer I grow to God, the more the enemy will try to distract me from that relationship. No matter what I am going through and what the enemy uses to trip me up, God is still there working to make beautiful this mess of our lives.
Disney Halloween
4 months ago
1 comment:
Aww, I'm sorry things have been so crazy lately. We are really glad you guys are coming to the wedding. It will be a much needed and deserved break for you. Only 2 months, 3 weeks and 3 days (well till the wedding) ;) We'll be there sooner.
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