All week long the story of little Shaniya Davis has been all over the news here. For those of you who have not been following it happened something like this. Five-year old Shaniya was reported missing last Tuesday morning, early, by her mother from their home in Fayetteville. Her mother whom she has only been living with since early October claimed to have woken up to find Shaniya missing. After following several leads, charging one man, dropping those charges, finding a video of her with a man at a hotel, arresting that man, and arresting Shaniya's mother this Monday they found the body of this darling little girl near the Lee and Harnett county line.
At this point two people have been charged in this crime. One is the man who has confessed to taking her from her home. The other, and most disturbing, is her mother. Shaniya's mother has been charged human trafficking, felony child abuse-prostitution, and a few other charges. WHAT?!?!?
Again this is a brief summary of the story. For the full story you can go to and read all about this horrific tragedy.
This has been on my mind all week. I look at my little boy and can't imagine someone taking him from me. All I can think is, how could a mother sell her own daughter? Arrest warrants state that Davis "did knowingly provide Shaniya with the intent that she be held in sexual servitude" and she "did permit an act of prostitution with Shaniya."
Many of you are probably thinking, "I can't believe this happens?" Well actually, it happens more than you would think. Human trafficking is the world’s third largest criminal enterprise–just after drugs and weapons. There are nearly two million children, worldwide, who have been forced into the commercial sex trade. This is an industry that is based solely on force, coercion and exploitation–an industry that profits $32 billion annually from rape.
This DOES happen and it is happening here in our country and in our state. It is a huge problem. So huge that some of you may be thinking, gosh what could I even do about this. Well, that is where the cool organization Run 4 Revolution comes in.
Run 4 Revolution is a worldwide running club that, through its members, creates awareness and helps fund the fight against the violence that steals dignity and health from children trafficked into forced prostitution. It also just so happens that this organization was stared my two of my buds Lindsey and Lindy.
All donations received and money earned by Run 4 Revolution go directly to fund the International Justice Mission. The International Justice Mission fights to secure the protection of the law for trafficked women and children. Human trafficking will continue as long as it is a profitable criminal enterprise. By working to free victims and prosecuting the criminals benefiting from this industry, IJM operations actively increase the risk and decrease the profitability of trafficking.
Now I know what some of you are thinking. Running, UGH! I used to run like crazy. Since I started having babies, not so much. But if there was ever a reason to hit the pavement this is it! I mean come on, almost all of us can at least attempt even if what we do is more of a quick walk. You would run if someone's life depended on it, right. Well it does!
Get out there and RUN. Run for a revolution! Run like someone's life depended on it! BUT before you do go to and join up so that you will be motivated knowing you are running to save lives.
Disney Halloween
4 months ago