I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and enjoying the last few weeks of summer before schools and Fall routines pick back up. We have started school early this year (as many of your know from my previous post). The week has gone very well so far and the boys are settling into a nice routine. I am sure that routine will shift all around when the new baby arrives, but we are settling in for now. To kick off the school year the boys have decided to do a community service project.
One of the first verses our children learn in our home is Mark 12:30-31,
30'And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' 31The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."
In an effort to love on our neighbors the boys decided they wanted to donate school supplies to some of the students at a school near our home. There is a very large population of students in this school that are unable to buy the basic necessities for their school year (paper, pencils, etc.). Since we were kicking off the school year with a service project, I thought it was a great idea for that project to be related to education. Obviously each boy insisted that they should buy backpacks and that is where we realized we could use some help.
We are reaching out to friends and family for help purchasing Cinch Sacs through Thirty-One. These bags are very popular at the elementary level and are excellent quality for the price. A donation of $26.00 will cover the purchase of one bag.
100% of my commission (I am a Thirty-One Consultant) on the sale of the bags will be used to purchase the school supplies to fill them. In addition each of our children have pulled a portion of their piggy bank savings to purchase school supplies to fill the bags.
It is our hope that we can deliver a ton of supply filled Cinch Sacs to the school the day before school starts for teachers and counselors to distribute to the students with the greatest need.
To join our efforts we simply need your donation no later than 8/14. Contact me if you would like to help. I can be reached by e-mail (nicolerc03 "at" gmail "dot" com).
Thank you for your help as we work to love our neighbors.
Disney Halloween
4 months ago