According to Wikipedia the definition of generosity is the habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return. I think most would agree that generosity is a desirable trait. As parents we desire to instill lots of desirable traits in our children. Generosity is one of those.
It has been a long time since I blogged specifically about my sweet oldest son, Grayson. There are so many wonderful things I can say about my wonderful 2 1/2 year old. One specific incident this week is what prompted me to share a little about the child our boy is growing in to.
On Saturday we were cleaning up around the house. I was up in the boys' rooms organizing clothes and toys. Baylor's room isn't finished yet. We waited pretty late in my pregnancy to even start on it and well life has just been really busy and it isn't quite where we want it to be. It annoys me that he room doesn't look complete. While I was organizing and trying to figure out where to put all of Grayson's one million stuffed animals, I noticed that Baylor only has two or three "friends" in his room.
Grayson was upstairs with us and Justin mentioned to him that he has lots of animals and Baylor doesn't have any. Grayson replied with, "I give him some". He proceeded to go around his room very carefully selecting stuffed animals to give to his brother. He was sure to give him some of every size, some for his bed, some for the rocking chair, some for the dresser, and even gave some that I know he is very fond of. I wanted to make sure that Grayson understood what it meant to give something to his brother instead of just sharing it. I explained that when we give something to someone for keeps that means they don't give it back. I explained that it is very generous and kind to give to others especially when they don't have all of the nice things that we have been blessed with. Grayson just looked at me and said, "Brother need some animals for he room. He not have any." He gave me a look that said, "Well of course they are for him to keep. Why wouldn't they be?" I couldn't be more proud of my little guy. Baylor's room is full of "friends" because his brother was generous enough to give.
Grayson is beyond a wonderful son and brother. He has grown into such an amazing little guy. He is developing a love of NC State sports like his mommy and daddy. He is counting to 10, sort of saying his A,B,C's, loves to color and draw, loves to sing and dance, and has lots of friends at school. Right now the friends he most often talks about are Rin, Peyt, Katherine, and Cassalyn. It is sweet that Cassalyn is one of his "friends" because she is his sitter during the week. I consider it an amazing blessing that he calls her his friend. He is really enjoying going to school and especially the time they spend in Chapel. He has told me all about Moses, Noah, and Jonah. He has also mastered the most amazing rendition of "Jesus Loves Me".
Grayson keeps us laughing these days. In fact, I am considering starting a regular "Das Not Funny! Friday" post like my bloggy friend Jessica just to keep a record of his hilarious quotes. Just the other night I had to pull out of a side street and I couldn't see well to my left. It was one of those places where you just have to use your best judgment and go. As I am pulling out I say, "Okay boys, hold on to what ya got!" Grayson replies, "Mommy! I got nothing in my hands right now!" He loves to listen to "his songs" in the car and most often requests "Round and round" (The Wheels on the Bus), "Bible Book" (God Made Me), and "Pooted" (Who Did).
He loves to hug and kiss on his brother, play ball with is brother, tickle his brother, and pretty much do anything that makes Baylor laugh. It doesn't take much. Baylor pretty much laughs at anything Grayson does. It warms my heart to see how Baylor already looks up to Grayson and how well Grayson is responding to that so far.
I could go on an on for days about how great my little guy is and I am not biased at all. He really is amazing! He brings so much joy and happiness to our lives every day. Oh, and of course here is a picture of our little guy and friend Matt tailgating for Wolfpack football.
Disney Halloween
3 months ago
I think you should definitely keep a running diary of funny things Grayson says and does. Nick's dad kept an actual diary of the things that Nick and his brothers did/said for years. He often emails us little quotes or stories. It is really fun---even for us, and his parent's love looking back on these things.
Our kids sing "Pooted" too. It always cracks us up.
What a tender spirit Grayson has. It's obvious that he's being pointed to the generosity of the Father frequently.
Hope y'all are doing well.
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