I know I have been terrible about posting lately. Seems things have been a little crazy around our house. First I had a really bad cold/flu something, then Grayson got it. This resulted in a trip to the doctor for antibiotics. A little over a week later he comes down with the most horrible stomach funk ever. He was really sick (vomiting) one evening after his afternoon nap. Then he had 3 days of the other kind of tummy sickness. On day 2 he seemed to be getting worse and would not drink anything. I called the doctor because he had not had a wet diaper in about 8 hours. All the doctors say that is a big bad sign of dehydration. Sure enough the doc sends us to the ER. Oh what fun we had. I won't share the details of Grayson's first ER visit. It was too horrific to re-live. Let's just say that we arrived at 7 pm and weren't seen until 2 am. In that time frame we went through 20 diapers due to the tummy sickness, if you get my drift. By the time they got us back his fever had broken and he was wanting to drink. After some milk and pedialyte we were sent on our way. Funny, I have both milk and pedialyte at home.
Now I said above that this was the most horrible stomach funk ever. I only know this from experience. One day after Grayson is finally seeming back to normal, I got sick. OH MY!!!! It was a horrible, as bad as labor, kind of sickness. Again we ended up in the emergency room. I required a bit more care than Grayson and was seen right away. Apparently I looked like I was dying. That is according to my sweet hubby who took amazing care of me and Grayson and didn't leave my side at the hospital. Well, except to deliver Grayson to the waiting arms of Brian and Jodie, who rescued us and Grayson by taking him for the day while I was in the ER for 7+ hours having tests run, getting fluids, and getting some pretty amazing drugs. I will never be able to express to them how grateful we are that they were so sweet to take care of him for the day. We were also rescued a second day by Grandpa and Granny. Grandpa had the day off and was sweet enough to take Grayson so I could continue my recovery.
Anyway, I got well and here we are. Sometime in the midst of all the stomach funk, Grayson got his cast off. He sobbed through the entire procedure, but I think that was more because he still didn't feel well than because anything really hurt.
He is getting around really well now. He climbed all the way up the stairs yesterday all by himself. Well, we were there but we didn't help him up. He is now wanting to help get himself ready. He likes to brush his teeth, brush his hair, and sometimes helps put his shirts on. His favorite toys are balls and stacking cups. He loves to throw the ball with daddy.
We have been able to take him outside a lot since it is warming up. He really enjoys watching the big boys in the neighborhood play basketball and daddy hit golf balls. He played in the grass yesterday and loved it! He also likes to ride in his wagon and in his little car. I can't wait until it gets warm enough to put his little pool up.
We went to see our good friend, who does ultrasounds, earlier this week. Seems there is a chance we may be having two girls. I say may because when I sent to my doctor on Thursday, he saw two boys. So here is the deal. We really trust our friend looked carefully. She spent like an hour with us and took tons of CLEAR pictures. She even admitted that she was ONLY 98% sure on Baby A. She also works with top-of-the-line equipment that is typically used for diagnostic purposes. Our doctor, on the other hand, looked for less than a minute. He took a couple of blurry pictures and when I asked, "Are you sure?" he said, "I could be wrong. We will check again in four weeks." Well, I go to Duke in two weeks. They should be able to tell us. We will go with the majority. Now if they say one boy and one girl, we will go back to our friend for another look.
For now I have to put that out of my mind. Grayson is turning one in little over a week and it is time to get ready for a party!!!!
Cheer Competition in Texas
1 week ago
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