Baylor is two months old today! Wow! The time is just going by too fast. These two months have flown by but at the same time I feel like he has always been part of our family.
Baylor's two month check-up was on Friday. He did great. The weigh in and measurments were a new type of experience for me. Unlike his older brother who was always in the less than 3rd percentile for weight and around 10th-25th for length, Baylor is in the 50th for weight at 11 lbs, 13 ounces and 80th for length at 24 inches. Yep, 80th!!! I don't even understand what it is like to be on this side of the curve.
He is a little on the lazy side when it comes to holding his head up high during tummy time, but he is strong enough and can do it. He is very close to rolling over and is meeting all of his milestones just perfectly. He has an amazing smile that reveals the sweetest dimples. Some people say that dimples are from angel kisses. Baylor has one on each side. If they are really angel kisses then I like to say they came from his big sisters. He is not giggling on purpose yet, but will laugh out loud in his sleep which is too cute.
Baylor is definitely Mr. Social. If there is something going on, he wants to be a part. If he can hear the action, but can't see anyone, then he gets mad. He doesn't even like to take naps on the days that we go into my office. He is so afraid he is going to miss out on something. Baylor loves to be talked to and the instant you start chatting him up you will get a giant grin. I think he is going to be a charmer, just like his big brother. Speaking of brothers, Grayson is Baylor's favorite person. There are times when Grayson's voice is the only thing that makes Baylor happy. That melts my heart.
Happy two month birthday Bay Bear. We love you very much, but please stop growing up so fast.
Cheer Competition in Texas
4 days ago